Last Day of School Printable


Last week, Luke had his last day of kindergarten and we finished up our first year of homeschooling. As I thought about how to wrap up the year, I wanted to make sure it was special. So, we had a week of finishing up the last bits of curriculum as well as special outings and treats (like donuts on the last day of school!).

I was a little bit nervous when we began this school year—would I actually be able to teach him the basics of reading? Would the kids drive me batty? Would I be able to make learning interesting and enjoyable? Would I know how to choose the best resources? Would it work for our family? I was pleasantly surprised at how much I truly enjoying homeschooling; it was SO good for our family during this season. I loved creating little routines and experiences that gave our home and learning warmth—like morning time with my coffee in hand and the kiddos snuggled up with me on the couch and Fika for reading aloud together and nibbling on treats (and enjoying a sparkling candle). Don’t get me wrong—it wasn’t all candlelit reading time and relaxing math lessons. Often, there were squabbles and jabbing and frustration. But, the overarching feeling I have when looking back is simply gratitude and appreciation for this season of connecting, learning together (I learned so much too!), and slower days.

On the flip side, I didn’t get any of those fun parent perks like a class book, portfolio of art work, or end-of-the-year interview from your child like you may in traditional school. But! I was terribly curious about what Luke enjoyed from this past year, so I made a simple “Last Day of School” questionnaire.


I would like to tell you that he had fun answering all these questions for me while we ate apples and peanut butter on a gorgeous spring day. But the reality is that he complained about the snack choice and answered “I don’t know” for 90% of them (until I pretty much told him in a you-will-listen-to-me-and-have-fun-because-I-said-so voice that he would answer them or else) and he reluctantly gave me some basic answers. Anyone else been there? Ha!


Hopefully, you’ll have a little better luck (and perhaps a more patient spirit) than I did and enjoy wrapping up the school year with this interview—whether your kids are in traditional school or homeschooled.

Just click down there at the bottom of this post to download it and print it for free :)

Have a good one, friends!
