From A to Z: Letter N

Letter N

This lesson has the lovely Mr. Rodger's tune on repeat in my head--"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood..."

I bet you do now too ;)

We've made it half-way through the alphabet--I hope you've enjoyed it so far. I know we are enjoying it and learning a lot around here :) 

Letter N: Love your Neighbor

Letter N is for Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. It's a simple lesson, but it opened up a lot of doors (no pun intended-ha!) to talk about how we can love those around us. 

Letter N

We made a colorful house, read the story of the Good Samaritan, and brainstormed ways to love our neighbors. 

Letter N

If you want to add another fun activity this week, go grab the paper house illustrations and make a whole neighborhood :)  

Have a good one!


Ps. I'll be taking at least a month-long blogging break from the A to Z series as we enjoy summer and I work on some other projects. I look forward to sharing O-Z soon :)