From A to Z: Letter Y

letter Y: Color + Kindness

Letter Y is for Jesus loves YOU!

Letter Y is one of the simplest truths of all of them—but isn’t also one of the best? Of course, I want my kids to know all kinds of good truth about God. I want them to know that He rescues them, that He gives us grace, and that He is our helper. But, in the end, if the only thing they remember or take to heart is that Jesus loves them—I’d be fine with that!

letter Y: Buttermilk Chalk hearts

The activity for this lesson is so easy, but it kept little hands scribbling for a long while, and it gave us lots of time to talk about how much God loves them (and how much we do too!).


As you sing, “Jesus Loves Me,” color hearts, and read the story of how Jesus welcomed the children, I hope that it reminds you and your kiddos of the depth of love that Jesus has for us. It may be a simple truth—but is truly is life-changing if we really, really believe it!

Have a good one friends!


ps. we are almost to the end! But if you’d like to grab the whole A-Z pack + some extras, check it out in the shop :)