From A to Z: Letter J

Letter J Color + Kindness

I always feel like explaining the gospel to my kids should be easy, but honestly, I often find myself stumbling through it, over-explaining, and then feeling like simplicity and beauty of gospel (that we are separated from God because of our sin. YET! God loves us so much that He rescued and redeemed us!) gets lost in all my blubbering.


So, this lesson was a good one for me. It helped me walk through the gospel with my oldest in a visual and hands-on way. Of course, as a very literal child, he explained that our hearts are actually still red, not, that brought up the concept of our spirit vs our actual heart. 

Letter J is about how Jesus came to the world for you

Gospel color book

The craft in this lesson, although so simple, has been one of my favorites. It was fun to gather materials and make a Gospel color book (plus, it makes a great resource to go back and review what we learned). My hope is that as you read about Jesus' death and resurrection, make your book, and paint your letter J, you'll have many opportunities to share the gospel with your little ones.

If you want to add a good book to read during this lesson, I'd recommend The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross. You can read our review over here.

Have a good one!
